12:30 — 13:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Italian Publishing Goes abroad: More than Rights

Sandro Ferri (Edizioni E/O), Andrea Ferro (Casalini Libri), Roberto Gilodi (Reiser Literary Agency / ADALI), Fiammetta Giorgi (Mondadori Libri)
Moderated by
Porter Anderson (Publishing Perspectives)
In collaboration with
10:30 — 11:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Artificial Intelligence: new rules, challenges and opportunities for Innovation

Welcome address from
Innocenzo Cipolletta (AIE – The Italian Publishers Association), Ricardo Franco Levi (FEP - Federation of European Publishers)
Elisabeth Crossick (RELX), Quentin Deschandelliers (FEP - Federation of European Publishers)
Moderated by
Maria Pallante (AAP - Association of American Publishers)
In collaboration with
FEP - Federation of European Publishers
16:30 — 17:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Promoting Literature: A Comparative Exploration of Italian and European Strategies

Laura Ballestra (AIB - Associazione Italiana Biblioteche), Renata Gorgani (Il Castoro), Adriano Monti Buzzetti (Centro per il libro e la lettura), Miha Kovač (Ljubljana Reading Manifesto)
Moderated by
Giovanni Solimine (Fondazione Maria e Goffredo Bellonci)
In collaboration with
Centro per il libro e la lettura, AIB - Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
15:30 — 16:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Travels in Italy. Travels in Germany. Exchanges between the two publishers

Isabella Amico Di Meane (Translator), Alessandra Ballesi-Hansen (NonsoloVerlag), Annette Kopetzki (Traduttrice), Marina Pugliano (Translator)
Moderated by
Viktoria von Schirach (Agenzia Scouting Schirach)
In collaboration with
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, StradeLab
14:30 — 15:20
Room 2 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (B44)

The BEIC, a new generation library for Milan, Lombardy and Italy

Stefano Parise (Comune di Milano), Tommaso Sacchi (Comune di Milano), Andrea Zanderigo (Studio Baukuh)
14:30 — 15:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Italian Books: Non-fiction

Andrea Angiolini (Società editrice il Mulino), Giovanni Carletti (Editori Laterza), Roberto Revello (Mimesis Edizioni)
Moderated by
Susanne Simor (Verlag C.H. Beck)
13:30 — 14:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Italian Books: Fiction

Gianluca Foglia (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore), Antonio Sellerio (Sellerio Editore)
Moderated by
Piero Salabè (Carl Hanser Verlag)
12:30 — 13:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Translations. Bridging Cultures and Connecting Nations

Nicola Genga (Centro per il libro e la lettura), Stefano Melloni (SEPS - Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche), Laura Pugno (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)
Moderated by
Bruno Giancarli (AIE - The Italian Publishers Association)
10:30 — 11:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Accessible Publishing

Andrea Angiolini (Società editrice il Mulino), Irene Enriques (Zanichelli), Alessandro Magno (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore)
Moderated by
Cristina Mussinelli (Fondazione LIA – Libri Italiani Accessibili)
Curated by
Fondazione LIA (Libri Italiani Accessibili)
11:30 — 12:20
Room 1 | Italian Collective Stand Hall 5.0 (A22)

Small and Medium-Sized Publishers in Italy and Europe

Lorenzo Armando (Lexis / AIE), Daniel Beskos (Mairisch Verlag / Kurt Wolff Stiftung), Nicolas Filicic (Les Belles Lettres), Jordi Nadal (Plataforma Editorial)
Moderated by
Annamaria Malato (Più libri più liberi)
In collaboration with
Più libri più liberi - Fiera nazionale della Piccola e media editoria (Italian Independent Publishers Book Fair)