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Stack of vintage hardcover books
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Publishing trends

When words transform into image

Exploring the Connection Between Film, TV and Literature on Stage in Frankfurt.

Which is better, the book or the film?
hat and sunglasses over an open book
©Freepik -
Publishing trends

Books for the (virtual) Italian holiday

Newly published books and translations for a literary journey through Italian landscapes.
From "Nuove Correnti " to the Frankfurt Rights Meeting: Italy as Guest of Honour, enriching professional dialogue with new perspectives
Publishing trends

From "Nuove Correnti " to the Frankfurt Rights Meeting: Italy as Guest of Honour, enriching professional dialogue with new perspectives

As the Frankfurt Book Fair approaches, the wide range of preliminary activities and publishing engagements increases.
laptop with piles of books on the sides
Publishing trends

Frankfurt calls, and now also answers in German

Thanks to the new version of the platform for launching Italian books abroad, engaging in dialogue with the German-speaking world is now even easier.
young woman reading a book
Publishing trends

New releases in translation (December 2023 to March 2024)

From rediscovered literary classics to graphic novels.
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Aufwind
Publishing trends

Continued growth of publishing for children and young people

The domestic market is expanding in terms of copies sold and their sales value. One in three translation rights sold worldwide relate to this sector.
Hunderte italienischer Bücher liegen in den Regalen deutscher Buchläden
Publishing trends

From Dante to contemporary authors: our great literature speaks German and translates into success without borders

Hundreds of Italian books can be found on the shelves of German bookshops.
Open book in a library
Publishing trends

Destination Frankfurt. Rereading tomorrow.

Reading with your eyes, reading with your ears, smelling the paper or travelling light – a whole cultural baggage in just a few grammes of an e-reader?