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Stack of vintage hardcover books
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Publishing trends

When words transform into image

Exploring the Connection Between Film, TV and Literature on Stage in Frankfurt.

Which is better, the book or the film?
Stefano Rolando con Umberto Eco alla Buchmesse foto

Italy Guest of Honour 1988-2024: A Journey Through Time

The year was 1988. The Frankfurt Book Fair was set to introduce the innovative concept of the "Guest of Honour Country", an initiative created to make the event more dynamic and engaging, extending its impact beyond the confines of the exhibition halls, and inviting the entire city to participate in a series of events that aimed to engage a broader audience than industry professionals alone.
Il Principe Machiavelli book

"Of those things for which men, and especially princes, are praised or blamed"

At the Italian Pavilion, you'll find an exhibition dedicated to The Prince and its enduring influence over the centuries
hat and sunglasses over an open book
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Publishing trends

Books for the (virtual) Italian holiday

Newly published books and translations for a literary journey through Italian landscapes.
From "Nuove Correnti " to the Frankfurt Rights Meeting: Italy as Guest of Honour, enriching professional dialogue with new perspectives
Publishing trends

From "Nuove Correnti " to the Frankfurt Rights Meeting: Italy as Guest of Honour, enriching professional dialogue with new perspectives

As the Frankfurt Book Fair approaches, the wide range of preliminary activities and publishing engagements increases.
©Alte Oper Frankfurt / Norbert Miguletz

Destination Frankfurt: where novels, music and singing meet

Music and words: a marriage that has given birth to one of the world’s most cherished forms of artistic expression – lyric opera.

Italy Guest of Honour 2024 and music as literature of the heart

Music is literature of the heart, it is stenography of the emotions, say poets. Music and literature have come together since the beginning of our tradition: from classical poems to medieval ballads to the grand opera season, Italy has been the cradle of the world’s music culture.
Mazza and Rolando chatting

Destination Frankfurt: culture is the opposite of solitude

“Imaginary Life” was chosen as the title of the 36th Turin International Book Fair, another important milestone on the Italy Guest of Honour 2024 journey with “Destination Frankfurt”.
Amedeo Modigliani, Elena Povolozky, 1917

A tryptich exhibition of the works of Puccini, Modigliani and Liebermann highlights the wealth of Italian culture

Three major exhibitions promoted by the Italian Embassy in Berlin confirm an interest in Italian music, art and culture in Germany, with a multimedia show on Puccini, a personal Modigliani exhibit and one dedicated to Max Lieberman's Italy.