Stefano Zecchi
What if beauty really saved the world? One of Fëdor Dostoevskij’s happiest insights might apply to the academic, authorial and political journey of Venetian philosopher Stefano Zecchi, a university professor for over 40 years, first in Padua and then in Milan. Zecchi’s search for beauty has involved literary production – dozens of works, including La Bellezza (Bollati Boringhieri, 1990) and L‘artista armato (Mondadori, 1998) – media interventions, the creation of cultural movements and training centres (Chairman of the International Academy of the Science of Beauty), and political/administrative engagement: his many prestigious positions include chairmanship of the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera. His latest book is Resurrezione (Mondadori, 2024). Latest work translated to German: Phänomenologie in Italien (Königshausen & Neumann, 1995).