Andrea Romano

Andrea Romano

Historian, politician, journalist and editor Andrea Romano’s multifaceted journey began with a degree in Pisa, a Ph.D. in Turin, and studies in Moscow and Paris. An editor for Einaudi and Marsilio,MP from 2013 to 2022, co-director of "L’Unità" and columnist for "La Stampa", "Il Sole 24 Ore" and "la Repubblica", he is now professor of contemporary and Russian history at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He has published on the Soviet Union, Contadini in uniforme (Olschki, 1999) and Lo stalinismo (Mondadori 2002), and the history of the Italian and European left-wing: The Boy. Tony Blair e i destini della sinistra (Mondadori, 2005), Compagni di scuola. Ascesa e declino dei postcomunisti (Mondadori, 2007), Il partito della nazione (Paesi Edizioni, 2020) and Futura umanità (Piemme, 2023). His latest work of non-fiction is Patrioti (di sinistra), also Piemme.