Lorenzo Mattotti

Lorenzo Mattotti

Lorenzo Mattotti’s creative spirit is multifaceted and everchanging. One of the founders of the Valvoline collective, his fame exploded with Fuochi (Dolce Vita, 1988), displaying a style that was already mature yet seeking innovation. Cover artist of magazines worldwide, from The New Yorker to Suddeutsche Zeitung, he illustrates classics moving skilfully between genres and eras, from Collodi’s Pinocchio (Rizzoli, 1991) to the reworking of Poe’s The Raven by Lou Reed (Einaudi, 2013). The 2000 Cannes Festival Manifesto, 2023 Venice Manifesto and animated film La famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia which he directed, shine in the cinematic galaxy. Mattotti’s image of a girl reading a book symbolises Italy’s participation in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024. Latest work translated to German: Venedig, eingegraben in Wasser (Edition Noir, 2011).