Giacomo Marramao

Giacomo Marramao (b. Catanzaro, 1946) holds degrees in Philosophy from Florence University and Social Sciences from Frankfurt University (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation scholarship). A visiting professor at universities worldwide, he is currently professor emeritus at the University of Rome III and a member of the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. His awards include: the Palmes Académiques, from France; honorary professor of Philosophy, University of Bucharest; honorary Doctorate in Philosophy and Linguistics, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; the Karl-Otto Apel International Philosophy Prize. His many works include Potere e secolarizzazione (1983), Minima temporalia (1990), Apologia del tempo debito (1992), Dopo il Leviatano, The Passage West: Philosophy after the Age of the Nation State, Benjamin e la Scuola di Francoforte.