Luigi Maria Epicoco

Luigi Maria Epicoco

In Per custodire il fuoco (Einaudi, 2023), theologian and philosopher Don Luigi Maria Epicoco reinterprets McCarthy‘s The Road ‘trying to utter a word of resurrection for our time,’ and has stuck to his mission, even in the darkest times. A priest in the Archdiocese of L’Aquila since 2005, he experienced the tragic 2009 earthquake in Abruzzo, helping with the material and spiritual rebuilding of the community. A leading author in today’s spiritual landscape, he addresses universal themes such as self-discovery (Stabili e credibili, Paoline, 2020), a sense of loss in a painful present (La scelta di Enea, Rizzoli, 2023), or an uncertain future (La luce in fondo, Rizzoli, 2020) with serene clarity. His latest work includes Dove terra e cielo si incontrano, with Luciano Regolo (Mondadori, 2024) and La forza della mitezza (Rizzoli, 2024), and through Edizioni San Paolo, Solo i malati guariscono and Il Padre Nostro.