Olga Campofreda

Olga Campofreda

Olga Campofreda’s literary geography is extensive both in terms of genre and latitudes. For example, her novels set in the United Kingdom, ranging from Scotland with her debut La confraternita di Elvis (ARPANet, 2009) to England, albeit with “familiar” incursions into Campania, with her latest work Ragazze per bene (NN, 2023). Then there is her travel reportage with the Mecca of the Beat Generation A San Francisco con Lawrence Ferlinghetti Giulio Perrone Editore, 2019), and her non-fiction following in the footsteps of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Dalla generazione all’individuo (Mimesis, 2020). Campofreda, who has always been interested in women’s writing and gender issues, is the curator of the first Miu Miu Literary Club. Latest work translated to German: Anständige Mädchen (nonsolo Verlag, 2023).