Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti di Napoli concert in Dortmund

Italian passion conquers Dortmund

A standing ovation from nearly a thousand people and two encores concluded a magical evening of music on 12 June, organised by Italy Guest of Honour 2024 at the Dortmund Konzerthaus. The event, dedicated to the great century of Italian melodrama with its melodies and colours, was received with enthusiasm by the German public.
Konzerthaus Dortmund, Brückstraße 21, 44135

    The concert, ‘Passioni italiane, da Rossini a Puccini’(‘Italian passion, from Rossini to Puccini’) performed by the Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti di Napoli and directed by Maestro Beatrice Venezi, an acclaimed interpreter of Puccini’s repertoire, proved a great success.

    'Naples always produces something special', declared the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government Mauro Mazza, acknowledging Neapolitan virtuosity. 'We really didn’t expect such a wonderful reception', commented conductor Beatrice Venezi, fresh from her success at Buenos Aires' Teatro Colon.

    The performance of the overture from Rossini's L'Italiana in Algeri, followed by pieces from Verdi, Mascagni, Puccini and highlights from Ponchielli's Elegia and Martucci's Notturno was greatly appreciated by the audience. Special guest star tenor Vittorio Grigolo also graced the stage with his renditions of 'La donna è mobile' and 'Lucevan le stelle'.

    Italian music once again demonstrated its universal ability to touch people’s hearts at this unique concert linked to the Destination Frankfurt events.  

    Concert: Italian Passions, from Rossini to Puccini