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News Meeting

“Reading in the dark®” at the Italy Pavilion

A series of engaging meetings in the dark, organised in conjunction with Fondazione LIA, to experience the emotion of alternative reading accessible to all

    Of the many initiatives hosted in the Italy Pavilion to translate into experiences the traditions, innovations and spirit of a culture that unites and embraces different perceptions, a special mention must go to “Reading in the dark®”, a series of meetings taking place in the room devoted to Aldo Manuzio, organised in conjunction with Fondazione LIA (Libri Italiani Accessibili), a no-profit organisation that promotes the culture of accessibility in publishing. 

    Reading with your eyes, hands and ears

    The readings, which will see the participation of various writers present at the Buchmesse, from Giuseppe Culicchia to Paolo Rumiz, Paolo Nori and Erin Doom, to mention a few, are conceived to introduce different ways of reading to people with visual impairments and to bring the public closer to the accessible audio-book experience. In fact, through the absence of light, “Reading in the dark” eliminates all distinctions between those who read with their eyes, with their hands or with their ears. Blind writers and readers will take turns to read from the same book. The words read, touched using a Braille display, or listened to using speech synthesis will become a means to forge new relations by deepening the discovery of the other. 

    An engaging experience

    Just before the fair opens, on 10 October World Sight Day will be celebrated, promoted by the WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). Then, from 16 to 19 October, visitors to the Italy Guest of Honour Pavilion will be able to enjoy an immersive, emotional experience, to discover how words can shine even in total darkness. In fact, Braille also derives from the French briller, meaning to give light, to shine. 

    Participate in the event on 16 October17 October18 October or 19 October



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