Valeria Parrella

Valeria Parrella

Novels and short stories, plays and opera librettos, articles in "la Repubblica" and the books column of "Grazia", which she has edited for years: Valeria Parrella’s voice resonates through multiple channels, carried further by sign language, in which she specialised after graduating in classical literature in her native Naples. Under the lucky star of short stories, she won the Campiello First Novel Prize for Mosca più balena (minimum fax, 2003) and was shortlisted for the Strega Prize with “For the Grace Received” (minimum fax, 2005), repeating this feat as an established writer with the novel Almarina (Einaudi, 2019). Her latest works include La fortuna (Feltrinelli, 2022) and Piccoli miracoli e altri tradimenti (Feltrinelli, 2024). Latest work translated to German: Versprechen kann ich nichts (Hanser, 2021).