Donatella Di Pietrantonio

Donatella Di Pietrantonio

“L’Arminuta” in Abruzzese dialect means ‘a girl returned,’ but writer Donatella Di Pietrantonio has never left her homeland, a palpable presence in all her books, and tell its stories. “A Girl Returned” (Einaudi) rocketed her onto the publishing market in 2017. The book was translated in over 35 countries and won the Campiello Prize. The film adaptation won the David di Donatello for Best Screenplay, confirming the literary excellence already perceptible in the earlier “Bella Mia” (Elliot edizioni, 2013). Central to her works is the mapping of intimate and geographical ties that condition existence. She crossed new boundaries with “Southern Village” (Einaudi, 2020), a Strega Prize finalist, and won the 2024 Strega Prize with “The Tender Age” (Einaudi, 2023). 

Latest work translated to German: Die zerbrechliche Zeit (Kunstmann, 2024).