Silvia Avallone

Silvia Avallone

Watching the world change through the burning prism of writing. Silvia Avallone (b. Biella, 1984) made her poetry debut with The Book of Twenty Years (Edizioni della Meridiana, 2007), but her sparkling debut novel Swimming to Elba (Penguin, 2013) made her name, translated into 25 languages and made into a film in 2012, winning the Campiello First Novel, Flaiano, Fregene and Città di Penne Prizes and runner-up in the Strega. It was released in German for Klett-Cotta in 2011 under the title Ein Sommer aus Stahl and followed by Marina Bellezza (Rizzoli, 2013; in Germany dtv, 2016), Da dove la vita è perfetta (Rizzoli, 2017) and Un‘amicizia (Rizzoli, 2020). Cuore nero (Rizzoli), released in January 2024, won the Viareggio-Repaci Prize. Latest work translated to German: Bilder meiner besten Freundin (Hoffmann und Campe, 2021).