Rav Scialom Bahbout

Scialom Bahbout, born in Tripoli in 1944, of a Libyan mother and a father born in Jerusalem, whose family was forced to leave the city in 1948 due to the invasion of the Arab countries. He graduated in 1966 from the Collegio Rabbinico with Rabbi Elio Toaff. Bahbout graduated in Physics from La Sapienza University of Rome in 1970 with a thesis on the physical aspects of blood circulation. He continued to work in the field of medical physics as a confirmed researcher until 2009. He has been Head Rabbi in Naples (and south), Bologna and Venice. He completed an internship in medical physics at the Hadassa School of Medicine in Jerusalem. He headed the Department of Culture of the Union of Jewish Communities, particularly following small communities in Italy. Bahbout has published articles on medicine, Judaism and medical ethics. He is a senior Jerusalem fellow of Amitei Yerushalàyim. He has published Hebrew books in Italy with Editori Adelphi e Giunti.