Mauro Mazza

Mauro Mazza

Mauro Mazza was born in Rome in 1955. He has been a professional journalist since 1979 and has published numerous papers on literature, television and political culture. Mazza is also the author of three novels: L’albero del mondo (The World Tree) (2012), Il destino del papa russo (The Fate of the Russian Pope) (2016), and Diario dell'ultima notte. Ciano-Mussolini, lo scontro finale (Last Night Diary: Ciano-Mussolini, The Final Battle) (2021). He has won the Acqui Award, the Riviera delle Palme Award and the Semeria - Casinò di Sanremo prize for his work. His latest book is Lo Stivale e il Cupolone. Italia-Vaticano una coppia in crisi (The Boot and the Dome: Italy-Vatican, a Couple in Crisis) (2022).

He has also worked in television, as Deputy Director of Tg1 and later Director of Tg2, Raiuno and RAI Sport. In June 2023, Mazza was appointed Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for the coordination of activities related to Italy’s participation as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2024.