Incoronata Boccia

Incoronata Boccia

Incoronata Boccia is Deputy Director of Italian national broadcaster RAI’s flagship channel, Tg1. ​

She was born in the Province of Oristano and graduated in Communication Sciences from Rome Sapienza, before embarking on a career in journalism, first at Tg5, directed by Enrico Mentana, then at RAI, where she was a correspondent of the popular programme La Vita in Diretta.​

She worked at the Sardinian desk of RAI's Testata Giornalistica Regionale, and​ ran Weekly, Rai1's news programme. Boccia also developed and ran a journalistic analysis segment for the programme Ben detto! on Isoradio Rai. In addition, she is a lecturer on the MA programme “Communication in public administration” at Nicolò Cusano University and a member of the National Observatory for Integrating Gender Equality Policies.​

Furthermore, she has held leadership positions in the RAI journalists' union.