Stefano Zecchi

Stefano Zecchi

What if beauty really saved the world? One of Fëdor Dostoevskij’s happiest insights might apply to the academic, authorial and political journey of Venetian philosopher Stefano Zecchi, a university professor for over 40 years, first in Padua and then in Milan. Zecchi’s search for beauty has involved literary production – dozens of works, including La Bellezza (Bollati Boringhieri, 1990) and L‘artista armato (Mondadori, 1998) – media interventions, the creation of cultural movements and training centres (Chairman of the International Academy of the Science of Beauty), and political/administrative engagement: his many prestigious positions include chairmanship of the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera. His latest book is Resurrezione (Mondadori, 2024). Latest work translated to German: Phänomenologie in Italien (Königshausen & Neumann, 1995).