Antonio Franchini

Antonio Franchini

Antonio Franchini (born in Naples, 1958) moved to Milan in 1981 to work in publishing, becoming a junior editor at Oscar Mondadori in 1986, editor of Italian fiction in 1991 and head of fiction in 2012. Since 2015, he is Division Director in the Giunti group. His first novel was published in 1992, Camerati. Quattro novelle sul diventare grandi (Leonardo), followed by Quando scriviamo da giovani (Sottotraccia, 1996; Avagliano, 2003). Next came Quando vi ucciderete, maestro? (1996), Acqua, sudore, ghiaccio (1998), L’abusivo (2001), Cronaca della fine (2003), Signore delle lacrime (2010), Leggere, possedere, vendere, bruciare (2022) and the latest, Il fuoco che ti porti dentro (2024), all from Marsilio. He has also published Gladiatori (Mondadori, 2005; then Il Saggiatore, 2016) and Il vecchio lottatore e altri racconti postemingueiani (NN, 2020).