Cristina Caboni

Cristina Caboni

Bees, honey, roses – she grows a wide variety of species – and especially books. Living her passions to the full has taken Cristina Caboni far from the province of Cagliari, where she lives with her family, to Lithuania, the UK, Israel and Bra - zil, the US and Albania - just some of the countries where The Secret Ways of Perfume (2014) is published: a literary debut that has climbed the Italian and international bestsellers lists. Raised in Sardinia, known for its great orators, she loves flowers, calling them ‘plants’ smiles’. She has ten novels to her credit, and as well as writing, is responsible for the family’s bee-keeping business, involved with queen bees in particular. Her works are published by Garzanti in Italy and Blanvalet in Germany. Latest work translated to German: Der Zauber der Lagune (Blanvalet, 2024).